
How to Find the Right Contractor for Your Home Renovation

Kitchen and bath renovations allow you to create the home you love and increase its value – all without the cost and headaches of moving. But we’ve all heard horror stories of folks who had a terrible experience with a remodeler. So, how do you find the right contractor to get the job done? Here are eight tips on how to choose your kitchen or bathroom contractor.

Know what you want before you start.

Are you in need of a little spruce-up or complete overhaul? Do you want a brand new, sparkling white kitchen or do a Japanese soaking tub and rainfall showerhead have to go on the list? Knowing what you have in mind from the beginning will help you gather good estimates on the job you have in mind.

home interior design tile paint and finish selections

Get referrals.

Word-of-mouth referrals are one of the best ways to find a professional contractor in Atlanta. Ask your neighbors, co-workers, family, and friends to share who they have used for their kitchen remodeling projects. What made the experience a good one? If they could use the same contractor again, would they?

Ask for estimates.

After you’ve nailed down your renovation project and read a few reviews, schedule time to get estimates. Meet your home renovation specialist face to face and ask questions: do they take on projects your size? Can they share a list of past projects? Estimates should include detailed pricing and timelines with an understanding that things can (and do) change.

Choose wisely.

Sometimes the cheapest bid is not the best option, especially if you cannot count on the quality of the materials or the workmanship. Cutting corners now probably won’t save you money down the road. As you select your contractor, the most important factor often is how well you communicate with each other. It is not likely to get more comfortable at your home as your kitchen is torn apart for three weeks.

remodeled bathroom with beautiful tiled wall and gorgeous tub

Sign a contract.

Get it all in writing so everyone is on the same page. Whether it is a major or minor remodeling project, the contract you sign may be lengthy. Read it! It describes what you and your contractor are agreeing will happen in your home. Choose wisely, and you’ll love your kitchen remodeler and remodel for years to come.

Be sure your contractor is licensed and insured.

Reputable contractors will have their Georgia Contractor’s License number easily accessible or even displayed on their website.  Someone who works from a pickup truck or van could be here today, gone tomorrow. Be sure that any contractor you bring into your home to do work has a current general liability insurance policy in place.

Make sure you have a clear understanding of realistic timelines.

The best contractors in your area will be busy – it should be a red flag if they are not. Assume it will take time to get on their production calendar even with a team of skilled workers. You can spend the downtime selecting finishes, paints, and tiles with their renovation specialists as things progress. A key focal point to have in mind is that proper communication is taking place, ensuring the client knows where the project stands at a given time. Having a realistic timeline and maintaining a line of open communication is something great contractors utilize.

remodeled kitchen with brass accents

Choose a contractor with the right expertise and experience.

Some renovation contractors do work on any room in the house. Others have deep connections in the kitchen and bath industry and have access to all of the most exciting countertops, cabinets, faucets, appliances, door hardware, and more. Choose a partner for your remodeling project who understands the materials and needs of your design plan.

Even with the best bath and kitchen contractor, renovation can be a stressful process, so take time to find the right one for you and your project. Choose the wrong contractor, and you may be asking yourself: Why renovate?

The team at Limitless Renovations has been an Atlanta renovations contractor for more than 18 years. As a contractor specializing in kitchen and bath remodeling, we understand that the process can feel a little overwhelming. Don’t worry! Whatever your remodeling project may be, Atlanta bathroom renovation and kitchen remodeling expert Limitless Renovations has the skills and experience to help. Our renovation specialists will walk you through from concept to completion and provide a comprehensive quote for your project. Contact us to get started today!

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